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Title Content Type Categories Tags
The ASEAN University Network Quality Assurance Journey: Challenges and Lessons Learned (Chuan) Porto 2012 Document Publications and Conference Presentations global recognition, quality processes
Accreditation of Study Programmes in Engineering in Portugal: Challenges for the EUR-ACE Label (Vieira) Porto 2012 Document Publications and Conference Presentations accreditation, engineering education, EURACE label
Quality Labels for Interdisciplinary Studies Related to Chemistry (Varella) Porto 2012 Document Publications and Conference Presentations EURACE label
Accreditation and Competence in the Context of World Wide Engineering Mobility (Wakelin, ppt) Porto 2012 Document Publications and Conference Presentations accreditation, competence requirements, engineering education, mobility
Where is the Forefront in Accredited Engineering Education? (Freeston) Porto 2012 Document Publications and Conference Presentations accreditation, engineering education
Phases of the FINHEEC EUR-ACE process (Holm, Nurkka) Porto 2012 Document Publications and Conference Presentations EURACE label
UK Engineering Degree Accreditation The Engineering Doctorate (Seddon) Porto 2012 Document Publications and Conference Presentations accreditation, engineering education
Promoting mobility and employability by harmonising engineering programmes accreditation criteria (Ponciano) Porto 2012 Document Publications and Conference Presentations engineering education, mobility
A decade of experience on outcome based accreditation: still a long way to go (Payzin) Porto 2012 Document Publications and Conference Presentations accreditation, programme outcomes
Combining evaluation and accreditation cultures (Sanchez, Remaud Et Al) Porto 2012 Document Publications and Conference Presentations accreditation, engineering education, evaluation
the way of the Romanian Agency ARACIS to the authorization to award EUR-ACE Label (Curtu Et Al, paper) Porto 2012 Paper Best Practice in Engineering Programme Accreditation, PDF, Publications and Conference Presentations academic quality, accreditation, engineering education
Accreditation of engineering programmes considering profiles (specializations) (Chuchalin, Yatkina) Porto 2012 Document Publications and Conference Presentations accreditation, engineering education
Opening address of the ENAEE Annual Assembly Porto 2012 (Wasser) Document Publications and Conference Presentations engineering education, EURACE label
Conceptual Model for Professional Competence and its Educational Foundation for Engineer and Engineering Technologist Roles (Hanrahan, doc) Porto 2012 Document Position Papers and Articles, Publications and Conference Presentations, Word document engineering education, professional competence
Promoting mobility and employability by harmonising engineering programmes accreditation criteria (Ponciano, doc) Porto 2012 Document Word document global recognition, mobility
Quality Labels for Interdisciplinary Studies Related to Chemistry (Varella, doc) Porto 2012 Document Publications and Conference Presentations, Word document quality labels
Accreditation and Competence in the Context of World Wide Engineering Mobility- the International Engineering Alliance Experience (Wakelin, doc) Porto 2012 Document Position Papers and Articles, Publications and Conference Presentations, Word document accreditation, International accreditation, mobility
CDIO contributions to EUR-ACE certification at ISEP (Costa Et Al, doc) Porto 2012 Document Publications and Conference Presentations, Word document EURACE label
ACQA as an Instrument for Self-Assessment:Experiences at the Faculty of Engineering Science at Leuven (Londers, doc) Porto 2012 Document Publications and Conference Presentations, Word document
SUBJECT-SPECIFIC QUALITY ASSURANCE AND ACCREDITATION OF ENGINEERING EDUCATION IN EUROPE (Augusti, Keynote) Romania 2012 Document Best Practice in Engineering Programme Accreditation, Position Papers and Articles accreditation, engineering education, quality assurance
Quality and Accreditation in Engineering Education in Europe (Augusti, lecture) Valladolid 2012 Document PDF, Position Papers and Articles, Publications and Conference Presentations accreditation, engineering education, quality assurance
ENAEE Statutes (FR translation as published in the ‘Moniteur Belge’) 2012 Document Statutes and By-laws
Engineering Education and the Bologna Process (SEFI, paper) Bologna 2012 Document Best Practice in Engineering Programme Accreditation, Position Papers and Articles Bologna Process, engineering education
EUR-ACE Implementation in Switzerland Geneva 2011 Document Publications and Conference Presentations engineering education, EURACE label
HOW ARE THE QUALITY SYSTEMS (ACCREDITATION) IN HIGHER EDUCATION COPING WITH GLOBAL WARMING ISSUE? (Ekinci) Geneva 2011 Document PDF, Publications and Conference Presentations accreditation, global warming