Structure of ENAEE
The General Assembly elects the President and the members of the Administrative Council from nominations made by the Full and Associate Members of ENAEE.
The General Assembly is the highest decision making body of ENAEE.
It meets at least once a year.
It consists of one representative from each member organisation (31 in 05/2024).
The General Assembly appoints representatives from authorised agencies to make up the EUR-ACE® label committee.
Composition of the General Assembly (status: 10 May 2024)
Voting delegates of Full Members
- AAEPO – Agency for accreditation of educational programs and organizations: Ismailov Baktybek
- AAQ – Swiss Agency of Accreditation and Quality Assurance: Berchtold Von Steiger (as of 11/2015)
- ABET (as of 05/2024)
- ACREDITA CI – Agencia Acreditadora Colegio de Ingenieros de Chile: Felisa Córdova
- AEER – Association for Engineering Education of Russia: Yuri Pokholkov
- ANECA – National Agency for Quality Assessment and Accreditation of Spain: Gabriel Morales
- ARACIS – The Romanian Agency for Quality Assurance In Higher Education: Ștefania-Maria Armășelu
- ASIIN – Fachakkreditierungsagentur Für Studiengänge Der Ingenieurwissenschaften, Der Informatik, Der Naturwissenschaften Und Der Mathematik: Iring Wasser
- CAAAE – Central Asian Association for Accreditation of Education: Abdumutalip Abzhapparov
- CTI – Commission Des Titres D’ingenieur: Anne-Marie Jolly
- Engineering Council: Denis Marchant
- Engineers Ireland: Damien Owens
- FINEEC – Finnish Education Evaluation Centre: Kati Isoaho
- ICACIT – Instituto de Calidad y Acreditación de Programas de Computación, Ingeniería y Tecnología en ingeniería: Enrique Alvarez
- IEET – Institute of Engineering Education Taiwan: Liang-Jenq Leu
- IIE – Instituto De La Ingenieria De Espana: José-Luis Tejera
- KAUT – Accreditation Commission of Universities of Technology: Bohdan Macukow
- MÜDEK – Association for Evaluation and Accreditation of Engineering Programs: Yavuz Erçil
- OE – Ordem Dos Engenheiros: Lidia Santiago
- QUACING – Agenzia Per La Certificazione Di Qualita E L’accreditamento EUR-ACE Dei Corsi Di Studio In Igegneria: Giovanni Betta
- ZIDEK -Association for Evaluation and Accreditation of Agricultural Engineering Educational programs: Gökhan Söylemezoğlu
- ZSVTS – The Association of Slovak Scientific and Technological Societies: Ivan Janac
Non-Voting Delegates of Associate Members
- CIAEP – Center for Independent Accreditation of Engineering Programs: Bohdan Duda
- CoPI – Conferenza Dei Presidi Delle Facolta’di Ingegneria Italiane: Marco Tubino
- ENGINEERS EUROPE: European Federation of National Engineering Associations: Dirk Bochar
- ECEC: European Council of Engineers Chambers: Klaus Thürriedl (as of 05/2024)
- ENTER – Educators Professional Development: Yerulan Sagidolda
- FIGURE – A Network of French Universities for Engineering: Farid Ouabdesselam
- LACCEI – Latin American and Caribbean Consortium of Engineering Institutions: José Carlos Quadrado
- SEFI – Societe Europeenne Pour La Formation D’ingenieurs: Yolande Berbers
- TEK – The Finnish Association of Graduate Engineers: Juhani Nokela
The ENAEE (European Network for Engineering Accreditation) Administrative Council (AC) consists of ten persons, normally elected by the General Assembly for three years.
Its main tasks are to
- consider and decide on recommendations from the various committees,
- manage the activities of ENAEE and
- make proposals to the General Assembly about policies, membership, and financial issues.
ENAEE is led by a President, two Vice-Presidents and a Treasurer, who are also members of the Administrative Council.
The President is elected for a term of two years by the GA from among the candidates proposed by the full members of ENAEE. The President can be re-elected only once.
There will be nine AC members. Each AC member is elected for a period of three years and can be re-elected only once.
1/3 of the AC members are replaced every year.
The Treasurer is elected by the AC from amongst its members. The Treasurer is elected for three years.
The Vice-Presidents are nominated by the Administrative Council from amongst its members upon proposal by the President and their tenure is three years. The Vice-President position is defined in the Statutes (i.e. no longer in the Bylaws).
Provisions for appointing a Secretary General (if and when needed) are introduced, both in the Statutes and Bylaws.
Members of the Administrative Council and President (status 01/2024)
- Prof. Dr. José Carlos QUADRADO (President)
Prof. Mukash BURKITBAYEV (Vice-President)
- Prof. Dr. Marta KOSIOR-KAZBERUK (Vice-President)
- Mr Carlos LOUREIRO (Treasurer)
- Dr. Elisabeth CREPON
- Dr. Yavuz ERCIL
- Prof. Michael FERNANDO
- Prof. Dr. Vincenzo TUCCI
Secretary General: Mrs. Ann Van Eycken
The EUR-ACE® Label Committee (LC) is composed of one representative of each accreditation agency authorised to award the EUR-ACE® label.
The Chair of the LC is nominated by the Members of the Committee and appointed by the Administrative Council.
At its meeting held on 13th September 2012, the Administrative Council decided that candidates for election to membership of the Label Committee must have the following qualifications,
- An engineering or engineering-related qualification,
- Fluency in English,
- Extensive experience as an evaluator on audit teams accrediting engineering degree programmes,
- Should be professionally active within or hold office in a professional or academic engineering organisation.
The role of the Label Committee
The role of the LC is to make recommendations to the Administrative Council of ENAEE in relation to the granting to accreditation agencies, (which accredit engineering programmes in the European Higher Education Area (EHEA)) the right to award the EUR-ACE® label to engineering education programmes that those agencies accredit.
Click here for Terms of Reference of LC.
- Prof. Anne-Marie Jolly, CTI, France (Chair)
- Prof. Sebnem Baydere, MUDEK, Türkiye
- Prof. Raili Pönni, FINEEC, Finland
- Prof. Bernard Masserey, AAQ, Switzerland
- Prof. Edward Jones, Engineers Ireland, Ireland
- Prof. Gabriel Morales Sánchez, ANECA-IIE, Spain
- Prof. Denis Marchant, EngC, United Kingdom
- Mrs. Zaitseva Ksenya, AEER, Russia
- Prof. Jacek Kucharski, KAUT, Poland
- Mr. Pedro Meda Magalhaes, Ordem dos Engenheiros, Portugal
- Dr. Yerulan Sagidolda, CAAAE, Kazakhstan
- Prof. Neculai-Eugen SEGHEDIN, ARACIS, România
- Prof. Roman Hrmo, ZSVTS, Slovakia
- Prof. Claudio Borri, QUACING, Italy
Prof. Madhu Chandra, ASIIN, Germany
To contact the Label Committee, please email the LC Secretariat at
ENAEE Members are organisations concerned with Engineering Education and/or Profession, and in particular with accreditation.
There are two membership categories: full members and associate members.
ENAEE has currently 22 full members and 9 associate members (status: 5/2024)
Full ENAEE Members
AAEPO – Agency for Accreditation of Educational Programs and organizations (Full member as of 2022)
12-microdistrict, Nurkamal Jetikashkaeva str., 1, Bishkek, Kyrgyz Republic
E: W:
AAQ – Swiss Agency of Accreditation and Quality Assurance (Full Member as of 2015)
Effingerstrasse 15, Case postale, 3001 Berne, Switzerland
E:, W:
ABET (Full Member as of 10/05/2024)
415 North Charles Street, Baltimore, MD 21201, USA
E:/ W:
Acredita CI – Agencia Acreditadora Colegio de Ingenieros de Chile (Full Member as of 2022)
Av. Santa María 0506, Piso 2, Providencia, Santiago, Chile
E: W:
AEER – Association for Engineering Education of Russia
Building 7, 78 Vernadskogo Prospect, Moscow 119454, Russia
E: W:
ANECA – National Agency for Quality Assessment and Accreditation of Spain (Full Member as of 1/2016)
C/ Orense 11, 7th floor, 28020 Madrid, Spain
E: W:
ARACIS – The Romanian Agency for Quality Assurance in Higher Education
59 Mărăști Blvd, sector 1, RO-Bucharest, Romania
E: W:
ASIIN – Fachakkreditierungsagentur für Studiengänge der Ingenieurwissenschaften, der Informatik, der Naturwissenschaften und der Mathematik e.V.
Mörsenbroicher Weg 200, D-40470 Düsseldorf, Germany
E: W:
CAAAE – Central Asian Association for Accreditation of Education: (Full Member as of 1/2016)
Microdistrict 1/36, Almaty, Republic of Kazakhstan
E: W:
CTI – Commission des Titres d’Ingénieur
44 rue Cambronne, FR-75015 Paris
T: +33 1 73 04 34 31/30
E: W:
10 Lower Thames Street, London EC3R 6EN, United Kingdom
E: W:
22 Clyde Road, Ballsbridge, Dublin D04R3N2, Ireland
E: W:
FINEEC – Kansallinen Koulutuksen Arviointikeskus Karvi
P.O. Box 28 (Mannerheiminaukio 1A, 6th floor), 00101 Helsinki, Finland
E: W:
ICACIT – Instituto de Calidad y Acreditación de Programas de Computación, Ingeniería y Tecnología en ingeniería
Av. Del Pinar 152. Of. 707, Santiago de Surco, Lima, Perú
E: W:
IEET – Institute of Engineering Education Taiwan (Full Member as of 2023)
7F, No.554, Linsen North Rd., Zhongshan District,
Taipei, 104030, Taiwan
E: W:
IIE – Instituto de la Ingenieria de Espana
General Arrando 38, 28010 Madrid, Spain
E: W:
KAUT – Accreditation Commission of Universities of Technology (Full Member as of 01/2016)
c/o Akademia Gorniczo-Hutnicza im. Stanislawa Staszica, al. Mickiewicza 30, 30-059 Krakow, Poland
E:, W:
MÜDEK – Association for Evaluation and Accreditation of Engineering Programs
Cevizli Mah. Tugay Yolu Cad. Ofisim Istanbul A Blok No 20 Kat 9, Maltepe
34846 Istanbul, Türkiye
E: W:
Av. Antonio Augusto de Aguiar, n°3D, 1069-030 Lisbon, Portugal
E: W:
QUACING – Agenzia per la Certificazione di Qualità e l’Accreditamento EUR-ACE dei Corsi di Studio in Ingegneria
Via XX Settembre n. 5, 00187 Roma, Italy
E: W:
ZIDEK –Association for Evaluation and Accreditation of Agricultural Engineering Educational programs (Full Member as of 5/2023)
Meşrutiyet Mahallesi, Karanfil Sokak. No:28/20 06420 Çankaya/Ankara/Türkiye
E: W:
ZSVTS– Association of Slovak Scientific and Technological Societies (Full Member as of 1/2016)
Kocel’ova 15, 815 94 Bratislava, Slovak Republic
E: W:
Associate Members
CIAEP – Center for Independent Accreditation of Engineering Programs (Associate Member as of 01/01/2017)
37 Peremogy Avenue, building I, UA-03056 Kyiv
CoPI – Conferenza per l’Ingegneria
c/o Universita La Sapienza – Facolta’ di Ingegneria, Via Eudossana 18, 00184 Roma, Italy
E: W:
ECEC – European Council of Engineers Chambers (Associate Member as of 10/05/2024)
Rue du Tabellion 66, 1050 Brussels, Belgium
E: W:
ENGINEERS EUROPE – European Federation of National Engineering Associations
c/o Regus Office Center, Schuman Square 6/5th floor, 1040 Brussels, Belgium
E: W:
ENTER – Educators Professional Development (Associate Member as of 2023)
Estrada de Telheiras, nº. 128A, Lisboa 1600-772, Portugal
E: W:
FIGURE – A Network of French Universities for Engineering (Associate Member as of 2015)
Rue C.C. Chenou, Bat. B5, TSA 51106, FR-86573 Poitiers Cedex 9
E: W:
LACCEI – Latin American and Caribbean Consortium of Engineering Institutions (Associate Member as of 01/01/2018)
Engineering East, Building 96, EE-526, Florida Atlantic University, USA-Boca Raton, FL
E:; W:
SEFI – Société Européenne pour la Formation d’Ingénieurs
39 rue des Deux Eglises, 1000 Brussels, Belgium
E: W:
TEK – Academic Engineers and Architects in Finland
Ratavartijankatu 2, 00520 Helsinki, Finland
E: W:
Download ENAEE Statutes (English) +
Approved by the GA on 28th June 2021
Download ENAEE Statutes (French) +
As published in the ‘Moniteur Belge’
Download ENAEE Statutes and Internal Rules +
Approved by the GA on 28th June 2021