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Title Content Type Categories Tags
Accreditation of Environmental Engineering Education at the School of Engineering, University of Firenze ( Caporali Et Al, Paper) 2013 Document Position Papers and Articles accreditation, engineering education
Developing quality processes in accreditation agencies to support the development of quality of HEIs (Jolly, Paper) 2013 Document Position Papers and Articles accreditation, agencies, quality processes
The Professionals involvement in the Accreditation of Engineering Studies (Moreu, paper) 2013 Document Position Papers and Articles accreditation, engineering education
NEW “MARKETS” FOR EUR-ACE: a Central Asia project and a proposal for the Mediterranean Basin (Augusti, paper) 2013 Document Position Papers and Articles accreditation, engineering education, EURACE label, global recognition
Toward Global Recognition of Engineering Qualifications Accredited in Different Systems (Hanrahan) 2013 Document Position Papers and Articles engineering education, International accreditation
Programme Outcomes and International Recognition of Engineering Programmes (Freeston) Leuven 2013 Document Publications and Conference Presentations accreditation, engineering education, International accreditation, programme outcomes
Recent Developments At The International Engineering Alliance And Within Asia ( Wo) Leuven 2013 Document
ENAEE Annual Conference (Augusti, final notes, doc) Porto 2012 Document Publications and Conference Presentations, Word document engineering education, EURACE label
DEVELOPING PROGRAMME ACCREDITATION AND EUR-ACE IN SPAIN (Van Grieken, ppt) Porto 2012 Presentation Publications and Conference Presentations engineering education, engineering qualifications, EURACE label
Focusing the Gap Between Teaching Profile and Professional Skills. (C. Borri Et Al, doc) Porto 2012 Document Publications and Conference Presentations, Word document engineering education, global recognition, International accreditation
A collaboration between AEQES and CTI for the joint evaluation and accreditation of long cycle engineering programmes in the French community of Belgium (Sanchez Remaud Et Al, doc) Porto 2012 Document Word document accreditation, engineering education, evaluation
QUACING Approach to EUR-ACE Accreditation (Squarzoni Et Al, doc) Porto 2012 Document Word document accreditation, EURACE label
A case study: the Romanian Agency ARACIS to authorization to award EUR-ACE Label (Curtu Et al, doc) Porto 2012 Document Publications and Conference Presentations, Word document accreditation, EURACE label, quality processes
Accreditation of Engineering Programmes Considering Profiles or Specializations (Chuchalin, Yatkina, doc) Porto 2012 Document Publications and Conference Presentations, Word document accreditation, engineering education
Where is the Forefront in Accredited Engineering Education? (Freeston, doc) Porto 2012 Document Publications and Conference Presentations, Word document accreditation, engineering education
EUR-ACE Standards as a Framework for Curriculum Design: ECDEAST Project (Boev Tayurskaya, doc) Porto 2012 Document Word document curriculum, engineering education, EURACE label
FINHEEC and EUR-ACE accreditation – making up a quality palette (Nurkka, doc) Porto 2012 Document Publications and Conference Presentations, Word document accreditation, EURACE label
UK engineering degree accreditation: the Engineering Doctorate (Seddon, doc) Porto 2012 Document Publications and Conference Presentations, Word document accreditation, engineering education
Conceptual Model for Professional Competence and its Educational Foundation for Engineer and Engineering Technologist Roles (Hanrahan, pdf) Porto 2012 Document PDF engineering education
A Decade of Experience On Outcome Based Accreditation: Still A Long Way To Go (Payzin, doc) Porto 2012 Document Publications and Conference Presentations, Word document accreditation, programme outcomes
AEER Accreditation Criteria: Quality Assurance of Engineering Program Learning Outcomes (Gerasimov Et Al, doc) Porto 2012 Document Word document engineering education, EURACE label, quality assurance
Promoting mobility and employability by harmonising engineering programmes accreditation criteria (Ponciano, PDF) Porto 2012 Document PDF, Publications and Conference Presentations engineering education, global recognition, mobility
ACQA as an Instrument for Self-Assessment (Londers, PDF) Porto 2012 Document PDF, Publications and Conference Presentations accreditation, engineering education
CDIO contributions to EUR-ACE certification at ISEP (Costa Et Al, PDF) Porto 2012 Document PDF EURACE label
Focusing the Gap Between Teaching Profile and Professional Skills (Guberti, Manfrida Et Al) Porto 2012 Document Publications and Conference Presentations programme outcomes