Become a Member
ENAEE (European Network for Engineering Accreditation) is a not-for-profit organisation whose aims are to:
- Build confidence in systems of accreditation of engineering degree programmes in Europe
- Promote the EUR-ACE® label and its associated framework standards
- Promote and co-ordinate the national accreditation agencies, provide support and facilitate their regular reviews
Benefits of membership
- The benefit of belonging to ENAEE is the access to international networking and an opportunity to shape further engineering education development.
- The opportunity to participate in dialogue between ENAEE and other similar organisations such as the International Engineering Alliance with the objective of facilitating worldwide mobility of engineers
How to apply for membership
To apply for membership, applications must be submitted to the Administrative Council
The number of Members per country is not limited.
The Administrative Council will examine the application and forward it to the General Assembly with a recommendation for approval or (motivated) rejection.
Acceptance of membership implies acceptance by the applicant of all ENAEE Statutes, By-laws and rules (see Statutes and by-laws section), including the annual fees decided by the ENAEE General Assembly.
The ENAEE GA at its meeting on 15/11/2015 decided that future Authorized Agency applications (to be approved by the Administrative Council after Label Committee recommendation) will be coupled with an ENAEE membership application (to be approved by the GA after AC recommendation). The annual membership fee replaces the previous ‘agency fee’.