ENAEE and IEA Strategic Discussions
2nd July 2019Challenges, perspectives and good practice of programme accreditation in engineering education
KU Leuven (Belgium), 18-19 October 2017
After more than 10 years of programme accreditation, ENAEE is facing new challenges: recent developments in Higher Education Quality Assurance, ongoing debate on institution vs. programme accreditation, common training principles for engineers, improvement of the value and recognition of EUR-ACE labels by students and employers, etc. The forum is intended to gather experiences and reflections from individuals actively engaged in EUR-ACE accreditations and to explore the questions that ENAEE will face in the 10 following years.
Much value is expected from interaction between the persons who are daily involved in the EUR-ACE activities: agency staff, boards members of ENAEE institutions and partners, experienced accreditors, stakeholders… The Forum will – besides plenary presentations and discussions – comprise parallel workshops and break-out sessions, with the final objective of drafting an agenda for ENAEE orientation in the following years.
Opening session
Session 1 – Good practice of EUR-ACE label programme accreditation
Guiding questions
- How to strengthen the quality enhancement effects of EUR-ACE label programme accreditation? Do the EUR-ACE Standards need an adaptation to new professional requirements and national or transnational Qualification Frameworks?
- How to use synergies with other QA approaches for improving programme accreditation procedures and ensure consistency?
Session 2 – EAFSG requirements and appropriate outcomes assessment
Guiding questions
- What evidences should be provided by HEIs to show that programme aims and outcomes and required/intended learning outcomes are achieved?
How to assess complex learning outcomes? - How should HEI internal Quality Assurance be organised to ensure sustainable achievement of outcomes and continuous improvement?
What can be learned from competence assessment and development in industry?
Plenary session 3 – Challenges and perspectives for future EUR-ACE label programme accreditation
Guiding questions
- How to deal with new curriculum formats, learning environments and programme delivery? How to increase the benefits of a EUR-ACE label accreditation in academic and professional contexts?
- How to ensure the “sustainability” of programme accreditation on the long term, balance benefits/costs of accreditation and prevent accreditation “fatigue”?
Final Session
The venue is the Arenberg Castle of KU Leuven (Belgum): Kasteelpark Arenberg 1 (Kardinaal Mercierlaan 94), 3001 Heverlee, Leuven.
The forum will start on Wednesday, 18 October 2017 at 10:00 and will close on Thursday, 19 October 2017 at 13:30
As the conference is primarily a Members Forum with the aim to attract many participants from the members, there is no individual registration fee for the conference and the dinner. A lump sum will be required from the agencies, independently of the number of participants (an average of 3 participants per agency is expected).
On-line registration is mandatory and will open before summer on the ENAEE website.